26 November 2012

Just a Minute (JAM) Session

JAM (Just a Minute) is a game that uses extemporaneous speaking and careful listening to emphasize good speaking and diction. It is held in a challenging environment where the listeners attempt to identify a number of errors. The main emphasis is on straightforward approach. Each participant speaks on a topic for a full minute (60 seconds) without repetition, hesitation, or deviation.  The candidate aim should be to develop quick thinking, together with speaking skills, good grammar, appropriate use of words, and using the right words. It helps in providing a fun environment to improve listening, thinking and speaking skills. Just a Minute session is useful to raise or check spontaneity, creativity and presence of mind. These can be used as mere game or as a selection tool during job interviews. It helps predict a person’s attitude and approach towards things or concepts.
  •   Start with a practice/demonstration round.
  •   Try to start each round with someone who has not participated.
  •   Use only single word topics.
  •   The speaker should not make any grammatical mistakes.
  •  Mispronunciations are also counted as errors.
  •   The incorrect use of a word is not allowed.
  •   Don’t repeat words.
  •   No junk words such as ums, ahs, err, etc.
  •   Hesitation – a  pause of more than two seconds.
  • Recollect your thoughts on the topic and then speak because once you start you can only pause for effect.
  • Pay attention to pronunciation and correct yourself.
  • Put what you have to say in a logical sequence.
  • Speak slowly, but clearly, and show appropriate emotion and feeling relating to your topic.
  • Speak loudly and clearly. sound confident. Do not mumble.
  • Don’t bore your audience with repetitious or unnecessary words.
  • The most important point is practice, practice, and practice. No one learns to speak well in a day. It requires practice and persistence to speak on a topic in JAM.

1 comment:

ashwini singh said...

thanks for these tips!!!


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